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37 results found

Serve YOLOv5

Deploy model as REST API service


RITM interactive segmentation SmartTool

State-of-the art object segmentation model in Labeling Interface


Serve Segment Anything Model

Deploy model as REST API service


Serve YOLOv8

Deploy YOLOv8 as REST API service


Serve ClickSEG

Deploy ClickSEG models for interactive instance segmentation


Serve MMDetection

Deploy model as REST API service


TransT object tracking (CVPR2021)

TransT object tracking (CVPR2021)

serve and use in videos annotator


Serve MMDetection3D

Deploy model as REST API service


Serve Detectron2

Deploy model as REST API service


Serve OWL-ViT

Class-agnostic interactive detection for auto-prelabeling


Serve MMSegmentation

Deploy model as REST API service


XMem Video Object Segmentation

Semi-supervised, works with both long and short videos


Serve MMClassification

Deploy model as REST API service


Serve Segment Anything in High Quality

Run HQ-SAM and then use in labeling tool


Serve ViTPose

Deploy model as REST API service


Serve MMDetection 3.0

Deploy MMDetection 3.0 model as a REST API service


MixFormer object tracking (CVPR2022)

CVPR2022 SOTA video object tracking


Serve UNet

Deploy model as REST API service


3D BBox Interpolation

Deploy interpolation method as REST API service


Volume Interpolation

ITK algorithms for volume interpolation


EiSeg interactive segmentation SmartTool

SmartTool integration of Efficient Interactive Segmentation (EISeg)


PIPs object tracking

Track points and polygons on videos


Serve Metric Learning

Google landmarks challenge models


AI Recommendations

Recommends matching items from the catalog


TAP-Net object tracking

Track points and polygons on videos


MBPTrack 3D Point Cloud Tracking

Deploy MBPTrack as REST API service


Serve HRDA

Deploy HRDA model for inference


Serve IS-Net

Deploy model as REST API service


Stable diffusion UI

Run Stable Diffusion model with User Interface


Serve YOLOv5 2.0

Deploy YOLOv5 2.0 as REST API service


Serve InSPyReNet

Deploy InSPyReNet for salient object segmentation as a REST API service


[beta] Serve OpenCV

[beta] Serve OpenCV

serve and use in videos annotator


CoTracker object tracking

Track points, polygons and skeletons (keypoints) on videos



Apply pretrained models for underwater species detection


Serve Transfiner

Deploy Transfiner for instance segmentation as a REST API service


Serve SelfReformer

Deploy SelfReformer for salient object segmentation as a REST API service


Serve MMDetection3D v1.x

Deploy MMDetection3D models to detect objects in Point Clouds