Import volumes from cloud storage

Import volumes from cloud (Google Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, ...)

Import volumes from cloud storage

OverviewHow To Use

GitHub release (latest SemVer) views runs


This apps allows to import volumes from most popular cloud storage providers to Supervisely Private instance.

List of providers:

  • Amazon s3
  • Google Cloud Storage (CS)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • and others with s3 compatible interfaces

Files in DICOM format will be automatically converted to NRRD format during import. App is compatible with .DCM and .NRRD formats.

How To Use

  1. Ask your instance administrator to add cloud credentials to instance settings. It can be done both in .env configuration files or in Admin UI dashboard. Learn more in docs: link1, link2. In case of any questions or issues, please contact tech support.
  2. Add app to your team from Ecosystem
  3. Run app from Ecosystem Page
  4. Connect to cloud bucket, preview and select files and directories, import selected files to some project/dataset. You can perform these actions as many times as needed
  5. Once you are done with the app, you should close app manually
